Water Vapor Transmission Testing (WVTR)

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What is Water Vapor Transmission Testing?

Water Vapor Transmission Testing (WVTR) is a method used to measure the rate at which water vapor passes through a material. This test is commonly used in the packaging industry to determine the barrier properties of materials used in food, pharmaceutical, and other products.

Why is WVTR important?

WVTR is important because it helps to ensure that products are properly protected from moisture. Moisture can cause products to spoil, degrade, or lose their effectiveness. WVTR testing helps manufacturers to select the right materials for their packaging to ensure that products remain fresh and effective.

How is WVTR testing performed?

WVTR testing is typically performed using a specialized instrument called a permeation cell. The material being tested is placed over the cell, and a controlled humidity is applied to one side of the material. The rate at which water vapor passes through the material is then measured and recorded.

What factors can affect WVTR?

Several factors can affect the rate at which water vapor passes through a material, including temperature, humidity, and the thickness and composition of the material. WVTR testing takes these factors into account to provide an accurate measurement of a material’s barrier properties.

What are some common applications of WVTR testing?

WVTR testing is commonly used in the packaging industry to evaluate the barrier properties of materials used in food, pharmaceutical, and other products. It is also used in the construction industry to evaluate the moisture resistance of building materials, such as roofing membranes and insulation.

What are some limitations of WVTR testing?

WVTR testing is a laboratory-based test and may not accurately reflect real-world conditions. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure can all affect the rate at which water vapor passes through a material in the real world. Additionally, WVTR testing only measures the rate at which water vapor passes through a material and does not take into account other factors that may affect a product’s shelf life, such as oxygen and light exposure.

How can WVTR testing help manufacturers improve their products?

By accurately measuring the barrier properties of materials, WVTR testing can help manufacturers select the right materials for their packaging to ensure that products remain fresh and effective. This can help to reduce waste and improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that products are of high quality and remain effective for their intended use.

How can Prompt Praxis Labs Help?

Prompt Praxis Labs can perform Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) testing using weight differential information.  This test determines the amount of water lost to the environment over time from a medical grade device and thus its impact on potency enrichment within the remaining solution of the compounded sterile preparation.  Primary device and/ or secondary protective packaging can be tested using this technique.

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