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FTIR Identification Testing

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What is FTIR Identification Testing?

FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) Identification Testing is a method of identifying unknown substances by analyzing their infrared spectra. It is a non-destructive technique that can be used to identify a wide range of substances, including organic and inorganic compounds, polymers, and pharmaceuticals.

How does FTIR Identification Testing work?

FTIR Identification Testing works by shining infrared light through a sample and measuring the amount of light that is absorbed at different frequencies. Different chemical bonds absorb light at different frequencies, so by analyzing the pattern of absorption, it is possible to identify the chemical composition of the sample.

What are the benefits of FTIR Identification Testing?

FTIR Identification Testing is a fast and accurate method of identifying unknown substances. It can be used to identify substances in a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and environmental testing. It is also non-destructive, which means that samples can be analyzed without being damaged or destroyed.

What are the limitations of FTIR Identification Testing?

FTIR Identification Testing is not always able to identify substances with 100% accuracy. Some substances may have similar infrared spectra, which can make it difficult to distinguish between them. In addition, FTIR Identification Testing is not able to identify substances that do not have infrared-active bonds.

How is FTIR Identification Testing used in industry?

FTIR Identification Testing is used in a wide range of industries for quality control, product development, and environmental testing. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used to identify active ingredients and impurities in drugs. In the food and beverage industry, it is used to identify contaminants and ensure product quality. In environmental testing, it is used to identify pollutants and monitor air and water quality.

What are some examples of substances that can be identified using FTIR Identification Testing?

Substances that can be identified using FTIR Identification Testing include organic compounds such as alcohols, ketones, and carboxylic acids, as well as inorganic compounds such as metals, minerals, and salts. Polymers, plastics, and pharmaceuticals can also be identified using FTIR Identification Testing.

How can I get FTIR Identification Testing for my samples?

FTIR Identification Testing is available from a wide range of testing laboratories and analytical service providers. Samples can be submitted for analysis, and results are typically provided within a few days. Some laboratories also offer on-site testing services for faster results.

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