Raise Your Laboratory Testing Benchmark!

Discover The Right Test Method For Your Testing Needs With Prompt Praxis Laboratories

There are many ways to test a sample, or a solution, yourself. You can do it with an instrument that requires no external input or tools, such as a spectrometer, which scans material and analyzes its components by color.

You can use reagents, chemical compounds that react with each other in specific proportions to produce a result, or you can use equipment that mixes solutions automatically, like a pipette.

And while some of these methods take longer than others, all but one (for now) are done under controlled conditions so timing is not a factor. The only thing limiting your ability to perform this testing method yourself is whether or not you have access to the chemicals required, and if you know how to use them!

At least two of these tests can be performed at most diagnostic labs via either direct analysis or interpretation, making them very accessible to anyone who needs them. What about you? If you’re passionate about health and wellness, then why not start experimenting today? Get some basic supplies and learn what you can!

This article will talk more about one type of self-testing: enzymatic reactions. These occur when molecules interact and transform into different forms, typically changing shape. When someone has an enzyme deficiency, their body cannot effectively break down certain foods or substances due to an absence of the needed enzymes.

Membrane testing

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Another common test is called a membrane test. A membrane test uses a nitrocellulose or polyester strip as the medium to determine whether there are antibodies in your blood.

The strips can be referred to as immuno-strip tests, because they use the body’s immune system to determine if there are foreign substances present.

In this case, the body responds with antibodies to a specific substance (in this example, cocaine). So when you add cocaine to the strip, the body will produce more antibodies that can react with it.

These antibody responses occur naturally, but using a drug such as cocaine can stimulate the production of them in some people. Because of this, there are many different types of cocaine test kits out there! Different companies have different techniques for administering the drug and detecting the result.

Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

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ELISAs are one of the most common test types in laboratory use. They come in two main forms: direct or indirect ELISAs. Direct ELISAs require no pre-treatment of the sample, but can be limited by how much antibody you have prepared before testing. Indirect ELISAS allow for greater flexibility as you can add additional steps to the experiment, such as pretreatment of the antigen.

Indirect ELISAs use an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase (AP) as a reporter molecule that is activated when it comes into contact with its specific antigens. The AP will then produce a compound known as phosphate which interacts with another chemical present in all living things: glucose. Glucose can be detected via a color change or fluorescence caused by the presence of glucose.

Immunofluorescence assay (IFA)

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The immunofluorescent antibody test is one of the most popular serological tests used to determine if you have an infection or not. This test was first developed in 1943 by Dr. Max Visscher, who named it fluorescein direct agglutination testing. He then adapted his method by adding antibodies that would bind to specific antigens in the blood.

Since then, there are many different types of IFA’s that can be done to detect various infectious agents. These include antigen-antibody reactions for viruses, bacteria, and parasites like malaria. By detecting these antibodies in your serum, the doctor can tell whether or not you were exposed to the agent at some point in time.

There are two main variants of this test: indirect fluorescent antibody assays (IFIAs) and direct fluorescent antibody assays (DFIAs). In both cases, the patient’s blood sample is typically mixed with a solution containing the tagged antibodies. Then, the samples are placed onto a microscope slide to view under a special light source to see if any of the antibodies interact with the infected material.

Western blot

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The western blot is one of the most prevalent protein analysis tests in immunology. It was first described in 1975 by Walter Orenstein, who adapted it from an assay that had been used to analyze blood samples for syphilis.

The western blot analyzes a sample’s proteins via an antigen-antibody reaction. In this case, a specific antibody will bind to a particular target molecule or protein. This bond can be broken off if we wash the specimen enough times or if we heat the sample before testing.

After the test material has been thoroughly washed away, the blot is placed into a solution containing a dye called Ponceau S. As the dye interacts with each individual protein, some of the color may remain, showing which proteins are present in the analyzed sample.

By comparing the intensity and length of these bands in relation to a known standard, you can determine whether there were any changes in the levels or types of protein in the specimen. These changes could indicate disease or drug effects, as well as genetic mutations.

What makes the western blot so powerful is its sensitivity. Because the test uses antibodies to detect molecules of protein, very little sample is needed to get accurate results. Even trace amounts of protein can be detected using this method!

In fact, western blots have a lower limit of detection than many other related methods (such as ELISA). This means that they are more sensitive than those alternative tests when necessary.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


PCR is one of the most common testing methods used in clinical laboratories to identify infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites. It was first described in 1985 by Kary Mullis, who earned the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work with DNA.

In fact, Dr. Mullis originally developed this technology while working at Biogen Inc., where he worked on vaccines for HIV. Since then, many labs have adapted it for use in other applications.

Today, there are several different types of PCR that can be used depending on what kind of sample you want to test and what kind of organism you’re looking for. The two main categories are conventional PCR and real-time PCR.

Conventional PCR requires additional chemicals to amplify the initial product, which makes running the test more complicated than just having enough supplies. However, because these extra steps take longer, they increase accuracy since less degradation occurs during the process.

Real-time PCR does not require an extended period to run because the reactions continue to happen as the PCR machine runs tests. This also means that results cannot be verified as accurately because the samples may degrade before the experiment even begins.

Cell culture

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One of the most popular test methods is called cell culture or tissue culturing, which involves growing individual cells in liquid medium to determine if they will survive and/or grow. Cells can be extracted directly from an area of skin, fluid, blood, fat, or muscle- anything containing many living things!

Certain types of cells are very sensitive to changes in pH levels, so testing for these changes in acidity is done using media that have different chemicals in them to promote growth depending on whether or not this test is positive. This process is then read and determined by how quickly the cells develop and remain stable.

In fact, some experts say that this method is more predictive than others because it does not require a sample to contain enough viable cells to perform the test, making it better suited for less available samples. However, there are risks involved with this technique as well; if the wrong type of cell is used, the results may be inaccurate.

Something important to note about this test is that it cannot definitively confirm or rule out disease unless the patient has already been diagnosed. This is why it is referred to as complementary instead of alternative medicine- although it can play an integral part in your health care team’s diagnostic workup.

Animal testing

Discover the right test method for your testing needs with Prompt Praxis Laboratories.

One of the most egregious forms of animal cruelty happens every day in laboratories across the world. Animals are confined to small cages where they are forced to exercise, eat a limited diet, and are constantly observed via camera or lens so that their behavioral patterns can be studied. This is often done to determine how well an animal learns a particular task, whether it’s learning how to respond to a stimulus (like a food pellet) with another behavior (such as waiting for you to put it into its mouth), or understanding simple concepts like “the ball goes through the hoop” or “push this button and get a reward.”

There are several reasons why this practice is unacceptable. For one, it violates the fundamental principle of science — which says that we should never hurt animals for non-scientific purposes. It also contradicts our natural instinct to care about other living beings, even if those others are not like us.

Furthermore, research has shown that the way test subjects learn and process information is similar between humans and other higher mammals.

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